Head to the front of the ship to meet the captain, Drake. He likes to wield an anchor around, but he will drop if if attacked. But he's just as dangerous without it, as he has an attack where he jumps up really high and then does a slam attack, move up or down to avoid it. He also has another attack where he'll jump up and then hit the ground, which will cause you to fall down unless you jump.

He also has a grab attack, where he'll punch you. He's also got a charge attack, which will send him flying across the screen -be ready to move up or down to avoid taking a hit. He will sometimes use the anchor, he will try to hit you with it, or sometimes he'll throw it at you. If you keep it off the screen he won't be able to get it. The general plan to defeat Drake is to use hit and run tactics. Don't wait next to him if he's knocked down, as he'll always use his slam attack when he gets up.