Hit the streets and find the first two Skull Cross gang members: Billy and G. Defeat him and another G will come on, so beat him up and head right. More of these guys will come on, so start taking them out. Watch out for Billy -he's the most dangerous of this basic Skull Cross guys, since he moves pretty quickly and can punch fast. Move right to get to the jail, where Dirk will make his first appearance. There's also a barrel you can break open here.
You'll then head inside the jail. More Skull Cross guys are in here, including Dirk. Defeat everyone you see and move on, you'll go past several jail cells. But As you get to the end, you'll see that one of the cells has been blown open, and it's occupant has escaped. Defeat the Skull Cross guys here and you'll head back outside.
You'll arrive at a gas station, there are a couple of barrels you can break open here for items. here are also a full basic Skull Cross guys here, like G and Ray. Head right and you'll see a truck on the right, but before you can get closer to it, there are some more Skull Cross members to fight. These include Ray and Dirk. Defeat them and move towards the truck, where corrupt cop Dave is waiting.
Dave will jump off the truck and try and kick you, so stay up or down to avoid it. As soon as he lands, you can grab him and get a throw in. Dave's main attack has him leap high up into the air, and try and land on you from above. Watch for his shadow and move out of the way before he lands. Dave gets some backup from the Skull Cross gang, like Johnny and Billy. His other attacks include a jump kick...
...and sometime he will try and batter you with his baton. Attack him from above or below, and keep getting throws in on him when he lands from his slam attack.