Samurai Shodown II (Xbox 360)

I tried to suck a lot less at this game and have gotten several of the achievements for it this month, including beating the game without losing a round and winning 5 online matches in a row. There seems to have been more activity online recently and I've had a few matches, but most of them were very laggy and not much fun to be playing in. The characters I've been using the most are Genjuro, Earthquake and Haohmaru.

Crackdown (Xbox 360)

I've beaten the game and restarted it to continue trying to max out my stats, which I'm fairly close to doing. Sadly now that I've beaten it there isn't much to come back too as online co-op is full of team-killing idiots and the frame-rate can often get really unstable. Blowing bad guys up with homing rockets over and over again can only entertain for so long.

Sonic The Hedgehog (Xbox 360)

I decided to give the "beat the game under 40 minutes" achievement a go. I got it first time round, which means I've unlocked every achievement for this game now.

Sonic 2 (Xbox 360)

Contrary to what I said last month, after I got that achievement in Sonic 1 I thought I'd try and get the one remaining achievement I needed in this game too. All I had to do was beat the game in under an hour, which I did on my first attempt. No idea what I was so worried about.

Project Sylpheed (Xbox 360)

Beaten the game on easy. Not much to say about it really, it was alright. No awesome multi-player dog fighting mode really sucks though. Now that I've completed it there is an option to restart and I may try playing through it on normal next time round.

SEGA Rally (Xbox 360)

I made a special effort not to suck at this game and eventually it paid off. The cars seemed really uncontrollable at first but I got use to them and have won the first few championships, unlocking a few extra vehicles along the way.

Dead or Alive 4 (Xbox 360)

I finally managed to get the gold medal (80 wins) in tag survival mode! I used Ein and Hitomi for that. I also got the silver (50 wins) in single survivor using Hitomi. The A.I. in this game sucks but ha I beat the system. I also spent some time playing it online, matches were almost always bad but I got an achievement for winning 100 games so it paid off. I'd still rather play this offline with friends though.

Far Cry 2 (Xbox 360)

Barely started. Has little to do with the first game so all the cool powers are gone. I'm not far into the single player mode at all and have spent a lot more time playing it in multi-player, which isn't bad.

Tomb Raider Legend (Xbox 360)

Beaten. I may go back and try and collect more of the hidden rewards (the more you collect, the more bonus content you'll unlock) and I still have time trials to complete for every level but those look a little out of my league.

Metal Slug 3 (Xbox 360)

A flawed port of an otherwise good game, I've beaten it and unlocked several of the achievements. The one I'm most proud of was beating the third mission without getting killed once, I don't think I've ever done that before. The only achievements left to get are mostly stupid (beat the last mission without getting killed, beat the game without using a continue) so I probably won't be bothering with this version again as I have a better version for my PS2 or standard Xbox.

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Xbox 360)

Played through, unlocked every achievement, probably won't touch again. All I can say is that I found out Mortal Kombat sucks in multi-player as much as in single player.

Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
(Xbox 360)

Playing this online a lot as Capcom seem to have sorted out all the problems with lag and crashing. I'm not doing that badly (more wins that losses) and have mainly been using Dee Jay, Sagat, Ken, Fei Long and occasionally Ryu. I'd like to personally slag off all the people who have dropped on me but I can't remember them all. But anyway, these people should be avoided at all costs: NitratoR 316: Lost to me, then sent me a message telling me to "stop laggin". Here's a hint for you: stop losing. For Tha Colony: Moron who sits too close to his TV and started calling me a shitty player despite the fact that he lost. Later decided to get racist when he lost to my Dee Jay. MLGXSkiiLLzZ: Started screaming then dropped.