War Machine over Iron Man?

The alleged story with this is that Capcom wanted to use Iron Man in Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter, but couldn't because of licence issues. A year later, Capcom want to use Iron Man in Marvel Vs. Capcom... but were told they can't again due to licence issues. However, they found out they were fine to use War Machine, so they put him in instead. I've said before that I dislike palette swap characters but I don't mind War Machine because:

A) He has some unique animations.
B) He has a new voice actor (who sounds good).
C) A hero calling himself "War Machine" is pretty cool.
D) Iron Man was a great character in the first place so I don't mind him being brought back like this.

Any voice actor trivia?

Rod Wilson, who does the voices for Venom and Thor in the game, did the voices for Longshot and Gorgeous George in the X-Men cartoon. He also did the voice for Ben in Resident Evil 2, which was out in the same year as Marvel Vs. Capcom (1998). Maurice Dean Wint provides Onslaught's voice -he previously had a minor role in the X-Men cartoon, providing the voice for the Shadow King.

The announcer's voice in Marvel Vs. Capcom was provided by Sally Cahill -who is more known as the voice of Ada Wong in Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 4.

Many of the voice actors for the new Capcom characters -including Yûji Ueda, Takashi Nagasako and Kosuke Toriumi -have done voice over work in a variety of anime series.

Did Capcom really get Alyson Court to record two words?

For those of you who don't know, Alyson Court was Jubilee's voice actor in the 1990's X-Men cartoon. In Marvel Vs. Capcom, you can have Jubilee as an assist character. Jubilee will jump on, say "see fireworks!", and then throw out a bunch of projectiles. Alyson's name is in the credits so yes, it really is her providing Jubilee's voice.

However, if you think that was an extreme length for Capcom to go to, then it might be worth noting that Marvel Vs. Capcom wasn't the only Capcom game Alyson was involved in. She also provides the voice for Claire Redfield in Resident Evil 2, which was out in the same year as Marvel Vs. Capcom. Some of the other voice actors in this game also had roles in Resident Evil 2 (see above), so perhaps they dialogue for both games was recorded around the same time?