When you defeat Vice, he tells you that Butcher is in the woods. So you head to the swamp forest. When you get out of the Cadillac, a couple of triceratops will appear and are angry. Either attack them or run past them. Eventually you'll see a sleeping T-Rex which enemies will try and wake up, take them out before they get a chance to do this. If they do wake the dinosaur, you'll have to fight it.

After the T-Rex encounter, you'll move right and jump down into the "mud swamp" where several hunters appear. These enemies are not very bright though and can be defeated quickly. Run right to exit the swamp and meet up with more enemies, including a mace wielding thug called "Lash T." Be careful around this guy as his weapon lets him attack from a distance.

As day turns to night you will discover several dead dinosaur bodies, it seems that this "Butcher" is near by... anyway, continue downwards and attack the simple thugs at the bottom. There are several barrels here to break open, each one with an item inside. Move on right and...

...you'll find the boss slicing up a dead dinosaur. Butcher will then turn around, but he isn't in the mood to talk and turns his attention on you. He carries two swords but if you knock him over he will drop them and they can be used by you. Like Vice, he can leap around the screen very quickly.

He has two versions of his dashing strike -one with a sword, the other without, and both can do a lot of damage. Use your dash move a lot to keep knocking him down. The main danger with the boss is being overwhelmed as several weaker enemies will keep appearing to help the boss out. Watch out for Butcher's butt drop as he'll sometimes use this move repeatedly until you knock him out of it.