Out at sea, a Navy ship is preparing to fire a new laser weapon. The crew target an island.

The weapon, a chemical laser, fires a white beam which hits the island and completely obliterates it, leaving no trace of it behind.

As the crew celebrate the weapon's success, they then notice a plane appear above them. It stops above their ship and out jumps T. Hawk, who drops down on the boat. He grabs the fuel lines for the laser and rips them out.

Some guys try running up to him, but he spills the fuel everywhere and it catches fire, causing them to retreat. Some grabs come down from the plane, and Hawk attaches them to the laser cannon. He then signals for it to be pulled up.

He jumps onto the laser cannon as it is pulled back up into the plane, and looks back down to see that the entire ship is on fire. It starts to sink, causing the crew to have to abandon it.

Hawk heads back inside the plane, where Satin Hammer tells him he took 2 minutes, 47 seconds... 3 seconds ahead of schedule. She's pleased with his ruthless efficiency, as it almost reminds her of herself. She likes that in a man, but that attack was just a taste of the excitement she has planned. She tells him to prepare himself for a feast.

Elsewhere, Blanka is fighting against a guy called Bruiser. Bruiser gets thrown, but he gets back up and charges, calling Blanka a freak of nature. But Blanka counters with a rolling attack, which knocks Bruiser out of the ring.

"None can be called deformed but the unkind" -Blanka explains that his boy Shakespeare said that. He offers him a hand to get up, but Bruiser knocks his hand away and calls him a freak again. Later on, Blanka and Guile leave, with Blanka thinking about what Bruiser called him. Guile tells him not to let that bonehead get to him.

A piece of paper then gets blown onto Guile's leg, and he picks it up. He opens it and tells Blanka they'll go and get some coffee -Escher's buying. They go and find Escher, who tells them that the biggest, most powerful chemical laser on Earth has just been lost by the Navy. Guile thinks it could toast a few marshmallows, but Escher says it would toast most cities, if she decides to play nasty. Guile realizes Bison isn't behind it this time.

Escher tells them about Satin Hammer, an engineering genius that they don't know much else about, except that she used to be on their side. Blanka asks what happened, but Escher tells him the higher-ups aren't saying. He thinks it was big though, and says intelligence thinks it has her next target. Guile opens the intel and finds that the Pentagon is where she's going to strike next.

Guile asks if she grabbed the laser by herself, but Escher says she had help. They see pictures of T. Hawk helping secure the laser cannon, and neither can believe it, as he's part of their team. Guile thought he was meant to be working some deep cover angle for Escher. Escher says he was, until they lost contact with him three months ago. Blanka thinks that Escher must think Hawk has gone over to the other side, but he reminds him that Hawk lost everything -his people and his ancestral home. Guile says that even with those losses he wouldn't roll over to the other side just because he got a taste of it. If losing everything made you a criminal, he and Blanka would be on the most wanted list. He says that Hawk's a good man, who may have had no choice.

Escher tells them that their job is to recover that laser, and if T. Hawk is in their way... Guile says he doesn't like it, but he understands his orders. Escher says that Satin Hammer will need fuel to run the laser, and the federal chemical depository in Nevada is the only place to get it. He just hopes they aren't already too late. Later on, Satin Hammer's jet arrives at the depository.

The plane lowers grabs which attach to the roof of a warehouse, and tear it off. T. Hawk flies down and gives the all clear, as some of Satin Hammer's troops drop in by using their jet packs.

They start taking some barrels of fuel, and then fly back up. But when one lifts up another barrel, it reveals Guile, who says pop goes the bad guy. He flash kicks the guy and knocks him back. T. Hawk tells the others to keep loading, as he'll deal with this.

Guile tackles Hawk, and asks him if he would mind telling him what he's doing. Hawk tells him to get out of here, but Blanka says things were just getting interesting. He uses his rolling attack to take out a flying soldier. Guile tries to hold Hawk and reminds him he's supposed to be on their side, but Hawk responds by throwing him.

Guile says he guesses Hawk isn't on their side, and since reason isn't working, now he'll try this. He throws a sonic boom at him, which Hawk gets hit by. Hawk gets knocked down, and Guile tells him he doesn't really want them to do this to him. Hawk tells them what he really wants is the two of them out of the way.

He jumps up and pushes over some barrels over them, before leaping back up into the plane. Blanka goes after them by using his vertical rolling attack, but Guile tells him to be careful -if anything goes wrong up there it's too far down, even for him.

Blanka makes it to the plane, and gets inside it. Guile takes a jet pack from one of the defeated soldiers, and heads up after Blanka. Blanka heads up some steps, but T. Hawk confronts him. He says he warned him, and he doesn't want to do this. Blanka says he's right, but he's not giving him a choice.

Satin Hammer and a couple of guards then appear, and she says she loves target practice -she hopes this one struggles. Hawk says Blanka is his, and he tackles him, despite Hammer's objection. The two end up falling out of the plane.

Hawk starts to move in towards Blanka, as Hammer watches. She finds it a bother, as good help is so hard to find these days. The door shuts and her jet continues on its way, leaving Hawk behind. Meanwhile Hawk grabs Blanka, and tries to help him descend slower.

The two crash into the sand, but are both OK. Guile lands just as Blanka goes into a rage, but Guile tackles him before he can get to Hawk.

Blanka says Hawk just pushed him out of an airplane, but Guile says he also saved his life. He could have let him fall, but he didn't. Guile asks T. Hawk what's going on, as base hasn't heard from him in months. Hawk reminds them that he's undercover, and the two of them nearly blew it for him. Guile tells him when he went along on that laser heist, he crossed the line. The stunt he just pulled at the depository seals it. Blanka tells him he's in too deep, and he knows it. Hawk tells them he's just doing his job, not that anyone cares. Guile tells him that Escher and the others think he rolled over. Hawk tells them he worked his way in, and is now Satin Hammer's second in command -he's in charge of her whole operation!

He starts to walk off, as Guile tells him his job was to get in and get the goods on her. He throws a sonic boom at him to knock him down, but he gets up and says he's not like the other Street Fighters -he had nothing until she gave him the chance to lead.

Guile corrects him: he had a code. Discipline, justice, commitment. Hawk says back with her, he didn't see it... he didn't see any of it. He didn't want to. Guile asks him if he can see it now, and Hawk says he wants to finish his mission. He says that he guesses this time he'll have company, and Blanka tells him to consider them twins... no, triplets.

The Street Fighters head towards Hammer's secret base, and watch as the doors open up to allow a truck to enter. They are also able to enter before the doors close. Inside the base, Hammer calls Hawk a fool, like all men. But it's no matter, as she'll simply find the power to take the Pentagon herself.

Guile's group move in and watch some guards move a few barrels about. Guile uses a computer to try and find out more, and comes across some satellite coordinates. But then a guard spots him and opens fire.

Guile says so much for the element of surprise, then throws a sonic boom at him. The guard gets knocked through a door, where Satin Hammer wonders who would dare do this. She sees Hawk getting into a fight with two of her guards.

She says once she's through with him, he'll beg her to let him die. She shoots him in the back and says having a man betray her does not improve her mood. She resumes firing at him, forcing him to back off. But she then sees Guile and Blanka behind her, and decides it's time to destroy this place, along with the man who betrayed her.

She presses a button on her suit, then blasts the ceiling and escapes through the newly-created hole. The base then starts to explode, and the Street Fighters run off.

The team get covered with sand, and Guile yells to Blanka to use his rolling attack. He says on his signal they'll punch their way out, and throws a sonic boom at a wall. It hits the wall and goes through it, and Blanka quickly follows it with his rolling attack.

As Blanka heads toward the surface, T. Hawk and Guile follow him. The team manage to escape safely, and Guile says to scratch one secret base.

Meanwhile Satin Hammer has got to Las Vegas. She owns a casino which is meant to be closed, and says it's a perfectly cunning place to put her laser. The laser has been put in the Luna sign, and has unimpeded access to the satellite above it. She thinks her tactics have always been a bit more intense than what people are use to, but they have delicious results. Just then one of her soldiers comes over and tells her they're ready to test the laser tracking.

They find a spent rocket booster in space, and decide to use that as a test target. The coordinates are set, and the laser is fired. Meanwhile, Hawk tells the others that he wouldn't have survived that alone, but Guile says he wouldn't either -so luckily that they're in this together.

They then see the laser beam in the sky, and Guile says it's coming from casino Luna. The laser hits its target and destroys it, and Hammer is delighted with the results. She finds out that the reflection satellite will be ready to help make history in just 5 minutes, 17 seconds. She says those Pentagon fools didn't believe her, and claimed her theories were weak. But she's not weak now, and it's time the world felt the force of her strength.

The Street Fighters arrive at the casino. Hawk says this is his fault, as he could have stopped her before, but he didn't, as he didn't want to. He has to do this now, but Guile says it's alright. Hawk flies up towards the roof of the casino.

Blanka uses his vertical rolling attack to head upwards, whilst Guile has to run into the building and head up via the stairs. But as he enters, he trips an alarm, which alerts Satin Hammer to the fact that there are intruders in her casino. She tells her men to activate the security defenses.

Hawk calls out to her, telling her this ends now. She surprised that he's still alive, and thinks a wise man knows when it's time to leave. It appears he needs prodding, so she starts firing the laser at him. Meanwhile Guile makes it to the very top of the casino.

However a guard appears and starts firing at him. On the roof, Hammer continues shooting at T. Hawk, forcing him to take himself out of range. She says she'll have him, as she wants to see him burn.

Back inside, the guard starts firing at Guile. Guile notices that the floorboards are in bad condition, so he jumps up and throws a sonic boom at the ground. The floor beneath the guard crumbles away, causing him to fall.

Blanka makes it to the roof, just as he hears that Hammer will be ready to fire in 20 seconds. She tells her assistant to lock in the coordinates, as the satellite mirrors will only be in position for 10 seconds. Blanka is about to make his move, but then sees T. Hawk fly in. Hawk flies straight into the computer console that Hammer and her underling are using, which causes it to explode.

The computer explodes, and the laser fires just seconds later. The shot hits the reflection satellite and heads back to Earth, towards the Pentagon... but the shot misses and ends up grazing Escher's head (he's OK though).

Satin Hammer is in despair that her plan, that took years of perfect planning, is ruined thanks to T. Hawk. She's about to kill him, but Blanka then attacks her assistant. She doesn't care and says she's strong enough to endure this as she's strong enough to destroy them. She uses a remote to take control of the laser cannon.

She points it directly at T. Hawk, but Blanka pushes him out of the way just in time. Guile finally arrives on the roof, just as Hammer aims the cannon at all of the Street Fighters.

Guile dives and grabs the fuel lines, and sprays their contents at the destroyed computer. This causes another big explosion right next to Hammer, who gets blasted off of the roof.

T. Hawk drops down to try and save her, but she tries to attack him. She tells him that no man can hold the Satin Hammer, and starts firing at him.

She crashes into another building, but when the smoke clears, she's gone. Back on the roof, Guile says if the tanks blow, they're history. He and Blanka grab the remaining soldier, and Guile says he guesses they'll have to use the express.

They jump down, and all land in the fountain below. Hawk comes back and as they get out, Guile says so much for casino Luna -but what about Satin Hammer? Hawk says she disappeared without a trace, but Guile says if she comes back, he knows one Street Fighter who'll be ready for her. Hawk says not one... a whole team.

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