Escher tells Guile about Sierra Del Fuego, a place nobody had heard of until about a year ago. Some dirt farmer dug a well, and turned up a fortune in emeralds. This made what was a sleepy border village become a boom town, just like the gold rush days. However nobody agrees where the border is, and with billions at stake, neither side is in the mood to given an inch. The situation is so bad that the A.N. have sent in peace keepers, but Escher is worried that Bison is going to step in and make it worse. Guile is sent to Sierra Del Fuego, but the first thing he does is get into a fight.

They exchange a few blows, but Guile eventually gets the advantage when he grabs his foe...

...and throws him right out of the ring. The crowd aren't very happy that he won, and throw things at him. He returns to his motel room and says he needs to have talk with his travel agent. He then hears a car pull up outside.

He heads out and sees that it's T. Hawk, along with a couple of A.N. soldiers. Hawk says he sees Guile is still living the glamorous life of a Street Fighter, to which Guile responds he's missed him too. He asks Hawk if he and the A.N. boys have had any luck keeping the peace, but Hawk says the trouble is this isn't a social call. The Colonel wants to bring him in -he's under arrest.

The group head back to the A.N. base, and Guile asks what the charge is. Hawk says he's disturbing the peace, which Guile laughs at -it's typical of Sawada, Mr. A.N. all the way. Hawk says he's a big a pain as ever, and is now a Colonel -he took over Guile's old position. Guile thinks back to the aftermath of the Shadaloo battle, where he was court marshaled. Sawada, who was a Captain at the time, said that Guile disobeyed a direct order, endangering the lives of his command and innocent civilians.

Back in the present, Hawk tells Guile to not take it the wrong way, as Sawada's hand has gotten stuck between these neighbors pretty well, even if he is a little by the book. The group arrive at the base, and Guile is taken to Sawada. Sawada tells Guile he heard he was in town, and he needs to know why. Guile asks if he forgot how to use a phone, to which Sawada snaps that there's no time to cuddle criminals. He says they are on the brink of a rather nasty little war, and he wants to know which side paid Guile to come here.

Guile laughs and jokes that he has this terrible travel agent. Sawada believes he is here to either get emeralds, or help someone else to get emeralds. Guile reminds him that he likes being his own boss. Sawada says that two armies are building, and men are dying. His job is to stand between them and keep the peace. He knows Guile doesn't like him and in some ways, he understands. But he and his troops need to know where he stands.

Guile says he's not here to help either side, he has his word on that. Sawada says that's good, and explains that trying to control the violence has been frustrating work. General Mendoza's people have been especially hard hit. As Sawada looks away from a window, a laser dot appears on his head. Sawada walks back and passes by Guile and Hawk, and Guile notices the dot. Just then, a window shatters due to several laser shots.

Guile pushes Sawada out of the way just in time. They rush outside to try and find the sniper before he gets away, but then see a few Jeeps pull up to the base. General Mendoza steps out of one, and asks if there's trouble. Sawada explains that there has been a sniper attack, and Mendoza hopes no one was hurt.

His men bring out a guy, and he says they passed him running down the street, and he was holding a recently fired rifle with a laser sight on it. Sawada says they'll hold the guy here until the police arrive, but Mendoza tells him not to trouble himself. They'll make certain he's taken to the proper authorities. As they drive off, Guile says he now remembers why he doesn't like peace keeping. Sawada says that until this conflict is settled, his job is to protect the people, not dispense justice. Sometimes remembering that is hard. Guile then excuses himself, as he's just remembered he has a date.

On TV, a news broadcast reports about the sniper attack, stating Colonel Sawada was unharmed. Troops of General Mendoza, one of the leaders of the warring factions, captured the would-be assassin. Mendoza is interviewed, and states that he gets more of the unprovoked attacks by his nation's enemies. He calls upon the A.N. for help in the immediate and just resolution of the unprovoked aggression. Chun-Li is watching the report, when her pool opponent tells her that it's her shot.

She claims she's not very good, but hangs around when a guy comes up to his buddy and says to hurry up, as their boss wants another delivery. Chun-Li hears this, and quickly ends the game by winning it easily.

She collects her winnings, as the guys confront her and tell her that in a rough town like this, a girl like her ought to be careful. They gab her, but she easily gets them off and sends money everywhere. Guile arrives and tells her to remind him never to play pool with her. The two guys grab some of the cash and run off. Guile and Chun-Li follow them, and Guile asks if she's sure she didn't rough them up too badly. She says she barely touched them.

They see a door open and the two guys step out, carrying something. They decide to follow them, and are led to one of Mendoza's own mines. The two men meet up with another guy, and they all head into the mine. Guile and Chun-Li wait outside, and Guile thinks maybe this isn't so sinister after all.

But the men suddenly run out and head into the forest. Guile tells Chun-Li to go after them, whilst he takes a look at what they were doing in the mine. He enters the mine and heads deeper into it...

...where he finds that a bomb has been planted. There's only a few seconds to go before it explodes, so he tries to diffuse it. But he can't do it and decides to try it a different way. He throws a sonic boom at it...

...which breaks the bomb and stops it from detonating. He heads back out and meets up with Chun-Li, who has followed the men back to a mansion. Guile sees that two of the men they saw earlier are there, and General Mendoza goes up to them. Chun-Li wonders why the General is blowing up his own mines.

Mendoza yells at the two men, as first they bungled the attack on the A.N. Commander, then they failed again with the mines. He's about to threaten them when an alarm goes off, as Guile and Chun-Li are spotted. The General's men head out and start searching for them, but they are able to run off and avoid being shot.

They have no choice but to take a few of Mendoza's guys down, but are able to do so without drawing the attention of all of the others. Guile says to get out of here, as he and Chun-Li run away from the mansion. Mendoza heads back inside it, where he meets with his superior: Sagat. He tells him they had a technical problem with a faulty device.

Sagat throws him and says bombs are news, disaster is news, and news shapes public opinion. Without sympathy for him and his pathetic people, how can they expect the A.N. to resolve the conflict in their favor? A permanent boundary will be drawn, and the mines must be theirs legally. He decides that hurting the miners may not be enough to convince them. Instead, they'll strike at something dear to A.N., the peace keepers themselves.

Sawada gets a call from Mendoza, who says that they have obtained information from the sniper that he might find useful. Their enemies are planning to sabotage one of their mines this very night, so Sawada says he'll personally lead a patrol to protect it. Sawada gets a team together and they board an armored vehicle, but Guile then shows up and tells him he's being tricked -Mendoza is the one behind the attacks. Sawada reminds him he gave his word he wasn't involved, and Guile say he's not. And if he's right about Mendoza, why would he care if he was?

Sawada tells him to go back to fighting chumps for pocket money, and leave this to the professionals. T. Hawk asks why would Guile make this up, and Sawada says that an emerald or two have provided sufficient motivation for many "helpful" citizens. He tells Hawk to stay here and keep Guile out of trouble. He tells Guile that one way or another, his job is to keep the peace. He then enters the vehicle, which heads out. Hawk asks if it's true, and Chun-Li tells him it's obvious -Mendoza's been blowing up his own mines to get world opinion in his side, and its worked. Hawk thought something stank about how quickly Mendoza picked up on that sniper, and if the General is behind it, it means Sawada is rolling into a trap!

Sawada's unit heads to the mine, but they are seen by Sagat and Mendoza. Sagat has some charges detonated, which cause the vehicle to roll over. Mendoza's forces then open fire on it.

Sawada and his men get out of the vehicle and start firing back, Meanwhile, Guile, Chun-Li and T. Hawk head after them in a Jeep, and see in the distance that Sawada is in trouble. Back at the battle, Sagat tells one group of men to keep firing, whilst he and some others circle around.

They get behind Sawada's team and take them by surprise, forcing them to surrender. Mendoza tells Sawada that he is always so helpful, he has but one more favor to ask. Guile's team arrive, but they see they've come to late, as there's nobody around. Hawk says that this road leads to the mine, so they decide to follow it.

At the mine, Sawada and his men are taken inside it. Sagat explains to him that it appears the A.N. needs a bit more convincing, so losing a few peace keepers may be just the thing. Sawada says that Guile was right, prompting Sagat to get angry with Mendoza -did he let the fact that Guile is here slip through his tiny little mind?

Sawada uses this distraction to hit a guy with an energy wave, and then runs off further into the mine. Sagat tells his men to go after him, as if he escapes, his plan is ruined. Sawada reaches a dead end, but hides around a corner. Two guys head down after him, but he uses a move to slice their weapons into pieces.

They flee, as Sawada taunts Sagat by shouting that he should come and get him, if he feels lucky. However Sagat tells him not to be so confident, as if he doesn't give up soon, he won't have any men left to command. Sawada gives himself up, and he and his team are taken deeper into the mine.

Sagat turns the lights on and says that evil forces still plan to destroy Mendoza's mine, and they seem to have little regard for Sawada and his men. He reveals another bomb, but Guile and the others then show up. A fight between everyone starts, and as Guile deals with Sagat...

Hawk and the A.N. soldiers deal with Mendoza's men. Mendoza tries to escape, but Chun-Li asks if he's leaving so soon, as she thought this party was his idea. He runs off, but Chun-Li is quickly on him and takes him down.

Sagat throws a tiger shot at Guile to keep him at bay, which gives him enough time to activate the bomb. He tells Guile it's either him or the bomb -his choice. Sawada orders everyone out, as he'll take care of the bomb.

Guile tells Chun-Li and Hawk to take everybody to the surface, as he'll handle Sagat. Sawada tells him no he won't, and orders Hawk to take these civilians to the surface. Guile reminds him that this "civilian" helped save his life twice. He's such a by the book bonehead that he'd rather die than go against procedure. Sawada tells Hawk to get to the surface, as he and Guile will be along shortly. Guile sees that Sagat made a hole and is trying to run away below them, so he heads after him.

He catches up with him, but Sagat tells him to not be a fool, as there will be enough riches for everyone. Guile says he has people dying all around him, and he talks like a baby-kissing politician. Sagat tells him he's just as trustworthy as one, and throws another tiger shot. However he aims it at the ceiling instead of Guile, causing it to break.

A load of debris falls down, separating Sagat from Guile. Guile heads back to Sawada, who is still trying to diffuse the bomb. Guile tells him to move over, as he's already done this once today. Sawada tells him every bomb is different, and it takes a certain amount of finesse and training. Guile thinks he'd rather take the whole mine down over their heads than try something new.

Sawada asks him why he doesn't just get out, as this is his problem. Guile tells him to get out of the way and goes towards the bomb, but Sawada takes a swipe at him. Outside, everyone has made it, but Chun-Li tells Guile to come on.

Guile and Sawada start fighting each other, and Sawada thinks this is all about the court marshal. Guile tells him not to make him laugh, and throws a sonic boom at him. Sawada gets hit and is taken out.

Guile says he really hates this assignment, and with no time left to try anything on the bomb, he picks up Sawada and carries him out.

The bomb goes off and destroys the mine, but a few seconds later Guile and Sawada make it. Guile puts Sawada down and says he can't believe it, the bonehead was right.

Sawada tells him apology accepted, to which Guile says he didn't say anything about an apology...

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