Cosmic Carnage prototypes
There are currently nine prototypes available for this game.
-At this stage Cosmic Carnage is very barebones. The title screen consists of a large logo moving towards and away form the screen, on a black background, whilst the character select theme plays. There is no intro.
-The ROM header refers to the game as "Virtual Fight".
-The player select screen is totally different.
-The game can only be played with 2 players.
-Fights only last one round.
-Pausing the game doesn't stop the music.
-Taunts haven't been implemented yet.
-It doesn't seem like it is possible to kill your opponent. I've tried finishing opponents off with special moves, but they just fall over, rather than go into a death animation.
-Characters have their Japanese version names (such as Ray instead of Zena-Lan, Jake instead of Cylic).
-The three characters who are human in the Japanese version are aliens in this prototype (Jake (Cylic), Ray (Zena-Lan) and Naruto).
-Cylic's 2P costume has him have a green head.
-After selecting characters, a background select will appear. The names for this list are very generic, interestingly though the proto does list four of the backgrounds as "HUMAN" rather listing all eight of them as "ALIEN".
-The timer and character names are completely white in this build.
-Naruto's stage has the elevator stationary throughout the fight.
-Zena-Lan's stage has a massive ring on it in this build. This would later be changed to a very poor animation of multiple rings flying towards you.
-Talnac's stage has a different floor, featuring red lights towards the back of it.
-The asteroids in Naja's stage don't move.
-Deamon's stage is off-centered when the fight starts, and has some white dots in the middle of it. The background layers don't move in this build.
-A SEGA logo has been added for when the prototype starts.
-Almanic Corp's logo has been added, it appears after the SEGA logo.
-The intro sequence has been added, although it uses the music from Yug's stage.
-One of the intro's paragraphs doesn't read very well towards the end, and would be fixed up later.
-A menu screen has been added, letting you pick between the one player mode, two player mode or the option menu.
-The sound test is missing several pieces of music.
-Characters now have their American version names.
-The single player mode is now present, and has actual A.I. to fight, but whenever you complete a battle, the game resets.
-Taunting is now possible.
-Before a fight starts, there is no "round one fight" message, and no score total appears after a round.
-Cylic's 2P costume now has a red head, like in the final game.
-The intro music has been changed to what the final game uses.
-It is now possible to kill your opponent.
-The backgrounds have been updated, and are closer to the final version's, but some are glitchy, like Zena-Lan's.
-The game no longer resets if you win a fight in the one player mode.
-Defeating all opponents in single player results in the game resetting, no end sequence is in place.
-By setting your emulator's region to Japanese, the game's title screen will have the Cyber Brawl logo. It looks different to the final version's.
-Having your emulator set to Japanese also changes the intro text. It is very Engrishy in this proto.
-Finally, having your emulator set to Japanese also changes
three of the characters from aliens to humans.
-More music has been added to the sound test, matching what the final version has.
-Almanic Corp's logo has been removed.
-Text has been added before and after each round, such as "BATTLE 1", "FIGHT!!" etc. A time and life total appears after a round, in this proto, remaining life is "life force". This stuff appears before a character goes into their win pose.
-Cyber Brawl's title screen has been updated, and now matches the final version's.
-Some improvements have been made to fix glitches on some of the backgrounds, but some, like Zena-Lan's, still aren't perfect.
-Daemon and Talmac have had their stages swapped.
-The intro text for the American and Japanese versions has been fixed up to make more sense.
-At the main menu, "OPTION" has become "OPTIONS". This also effects the title of the options menu.
-When a character throws another, the camera zooms in.
-New sound effects have been added, such as a noise played when dashing.
-The post-round total has been updated, with some blue text. Life force is now "remaining life".
-The backgrounds now appear to be completely fixed.
There are also prototypes for the 5th, 7th, 11th and 13th of October which I haven't fully tested out, but they appear to be very similar/the same as the final version.