The nuclear flames which scorched the land signaled the onset of an age of power. An age where power clashed with power, as the resentful voices of those without power reverberated through the sky. There was a man who appeared in these troubled times like a comet. His name was Raoh, a man who intended to rule as granted by the heavens.

No Castle Can
Stand Against Me!

After taking the castle of Gion the Wise King, and obtaining the horse Black King, Raoh headed north. But now, Gaoh the North King stood in the way. Even with the help of the strategist Soga, the impregnable fortress held up for a week...

The Black King neighs, and Raoh says his horse is growing irritated. He asks Soga why they can't take this castle. Soga says that in a situation like this, the attacker needs five times the number of soldiers. If they attack slowly, their causalities will just continue to pile up. They then hear someone laugh, and see a cloaked woman has appeared.

She drops some bones to the ground and says that, according to her bone reading, they could spend a month without taking this castle. Reina thinks she's a spy, and tries to slice her, but she leaps back. Soga asks who she is. The woman says her name is Sakuya.

She pulls her hood down and says it's a pleasure to make their acquaintance. Raoh asks her if she has a plan, and she says if they can trust her, she can take that castle in one night.

Soga thinks that's unbelievable, as they haven't been able to take it after one week. Reina thinks Sakuya is just boasting, but Sakuya says she can produce results. Raoh thinks this is interesting, and decides to entrust her with this task for one night. Soga questions if giving Sakuya command of their army is a good idea.

Sakuya says she doesn't want an army that can't take a castle. She just needs a skilled archer, and points to Reina. She knows that Reina's skill with the sword and beauty resound throughout the Fist King's army. Reina asks what her plan is, but Soga steps in and says no.

Sakuya asks him if he's refusing to let his sister go, even if it would lead to them taking this fortress. She thinks is emotions are causing him to hesitate -those without emotions show no mercy. She then decides she'll go herself. Reina asks her where she is going, and Sakuya says she's going to Gaoh. Reina says she'll be her archer, so Sakuya says she'll be counting on her.

Inside the castle Gaoh asks how the enemy attack is going. Habaki tells him the enemy have been attempting to scale the castle walls, but their fortress will not fall. Gaoh tells him not to be so sure, and orders for their defenses to be tight at all times. He asks about their food stocks, and another soldier tells him that they'll be able to hold out for many months. Gaoh says to feed the soldiers well, as an army fights on its stomach.

Gaoh then asks about the neighboring kingdoms. Habaki says that of those who have sworn fealty to the Fist King, they are in secret contact with Megis, Dohau and Labrades. Gaoh says it doesn't matter how strong the Fist King is, this fortress won't fall. Once the neighboring kingdoms see the Fist King's army struggling to take a single castle, they'll betray him. The Fist King will be defeated without expending any effort, and then their path to the rich south will be opened. He then mentions that he's heard of a woman named Reina in the Fist King's army, and Habaki says she attacks every day. Gaoh tells his men to do what they can to capture her unharmed, as he'd like to see her face just once.

Outside, Raoh's army continue to use catapults. Gaoh's army think they're working pretty hard, and says they appreciate their efforts. But then then hear some shouting down below, and see someone passing through the army on a horse and cart.

Gaoh looks at what is going on, and sees a woman being shot at with arrows. Sakuya calls out Gaoh's name, begging to be saved. Gaoh says for the front gate to be opened, but Habaki warns him not to do that. This woman could be from the enemy camp, and inviting her into the castle is an open invitation for treachery! Habaki says it's just a woman, she can't do anything in their iron fortress. He orders for the gate to be opened.

The gate is opened, and Sakuya heads inside the castle. She is immediately tied up and taken before Gaoh, but he tells Habaki this is no way to treat a woman. Sakuya says not to blame Habaki, as it is said that a small leak will sink a great ship, so it's only natural to be wary of a woman from the enemy camp. Gaoh has Habaki untie her, and Sakuya thanks Gaoh. She understands Habaki's suspicion, and decides to prove that she has no weapons on her.

She drops her cloak, much to Gaoh's surprise. Outside, Reina asks Raoh if he's sure about putting his trust in Sakuya. Soga says they are at least only expending a cart, a horse and a single arrow, so there's nothing to regret. He still isn't saying that he trusts Sakuya though. He then says that they'll launch an attack tonight.

Reina thinks a night time attack is dangerous, as the siege will only be prolonged if it becomes a battle of attrition. Soga says in the case, he just has to take it in one night. Back in the castle, Gaoh tells Sakuya that she must have been frightened being in the camp of the Fist King's army. She says her village had been taken, and her parents were killed.

She was captured, and taken before the vulgar and brutal Fist King. He took her to bed by force...

Gaoh feels sorry for her, but as he tries to make a move, she cowers and asks if he also sees her only as an object of lust. Gaoh says that's not the case, which Sakuya is relieved to hear. She gets up and puts out the light, and then says if he desires her, he'll have to catch her in the darkness. She says she's quite fast, and runs out of the room. Gaoh follows her.

Outside, Reina sees that the lights in part of the castle are slowly going out. Inside, Gaoh chases after Sakuya, and eventually catches her.

As they fall down, Gaoh wants to have sex, but Sakuya asks if he'd like to gaze upon her body first. Gaoh says he would, so Sakuya gets up, and drops the bed sheet. She tells him to turn the light on, so he does...

...and immediately has an arrow shot through his head, killing him. Outside, Reina says she shot through the first window that lit up, like Sakuya had told her to do. She mounts her horse, and signals for the Fist King's army to move.

As the army advance towards the castle, Gaoh's men see them. One of them reports to Habaki that the Fist King's army is attacking with several times the forces that they had before. What they don't know is that the Fist King's forces are making themselves appear as a larger force than they actually are.

Raoh orders his force to crush the enemy with sheer force, and teach them to fear the Fist King's army. The catapults resume bombardment, now using flaming projectiles. Inside the castle, Habaki goes to inform Gaoh about the attack, only to find him dead.

Sakuya appears, and says it was unfortunate that Gaoh had a a weakness for women. She leaps outside, and yells that the king is dead -he died at the hands of the Fist King. Soga thinks Sakuya must have done something, and the enemy is now confused. He yells that now is the time to attack.

Habaki tells the other soldiers that their king may have died, but his will lives on, and this castle will not fall! He tells everyone to fight, and avenge their king.

However, news soon reaches the other soldiers about Gaoh's death, and it makes them believe that they'll also be killed by the Fist King. Some of them start abandoning their posts, whilst Reina leads several soldiers towards the walls below. They start scaling the walls, so Habaki tells everyone to open fire and not allow a single enemy inside.

Raoh's forces make their way up the walls, and Reina gets their first. She takes down two soldiers and tells the others to surrender if they wish to live. But she is then attacked by Habaki, who believes she must be Reina.

She knows he must be general Habaki, and he says he is. He jumps back and tells her to taste his South Star talon fist, and uses a technique which shatters Reina's swords.

Raoh seems to sense something in the castle, and goes to one of the catapults. He smashes the rock in it and then steps in himself. He is then launched...

...straight towards the castle. Reina gets knocked down and Habaki says this is the end, but then Raoh touches down.

Habaki sees that this must be the Fist King, and decides to uses his South Star talon fist against him. He uses a technique:


(South Star Falcon Fang Fist Secret Technique: Whirlwind Fang)

Raoh holds out one arm, and blocks the technique, only receiving a small cut to his face. He is impressed that the South Star talon fist was able to injure him, but it pales in comparison to the North Star divine fist. He removes his armor.

Some of Gaoh's troops have managed to get outside, and discuss what's going on. But then the Black King tramples over them, and heads towards the gate of the castle.

Habaki fights Raoh, but quickly wears himself out. As the sun rises, they go to strike each other for the last time...

...and Habaki is obliterated. Raoh tells Reina that their opponent is Gaoh, but then Sakuya appears. She says that Gaoh is dead.

She leads Raoh to another wall, and they look down to see Gaoh's corpse. She says that Gaoh and Habaki are dead, so there is nobody left in the castle to resist the Fist King. When she said she would take this castle in one night, she expected Soga to attack at that particular time and took it into consideration. But she never thought that the king would barge into the middle of the enemy himself. She didn't expect there to be a man would could go against her predications.

She says she's very impressed, and asks to be allowed to join the Fist King's army. Raoh walks away, and tells her to do as she wishes. Sakuya says she's most grateful.

Elsewhere, Gaoh's remaining soldiers surrender. Raoh and the others walk past them, and Raoh knocks down the front gate. The Black King is waiting for him on the other side.

Raoh mounts his horse, and Gaoh's soldiers kneel before them. The rest of the Fist King's army start celebrating.

And so, the enigmatic woman tactician, Sakuya, joined Raoh's army. Would she bring good or ill fortune? Either way, Raoh will continue to walk down the path to rule until there is peace in this world.


These Fists are for Other People!

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